Pencarian Ilmu dan kejayaan anda bermula di sini.
Your journey to acquire knowledge and success begins with us.
Berusaha untuk melahirkan para pelajar cemerlang dan memelihara Bahasa Melayu melalui apresiasi kebudayaan dan warisan Melayu.
We strive to produce competent students and preserve the Malay Language through the appreciation of the Malay culture and heritage.
Memupuk kecintaan dan kemahiran dalam Bahasa Melayu
To instill the love for and competency in Malay Language
Products and Services:
Penerbitan, Tuisyen, Program dan Kelas Pengayaan, Pelantar Pembelajaran Digital bagi Penguasaan Bahasa Melayu dan Apresiasi Kebudayaan dan Warisan Melayu.
Publications, Tuition, Programmes, Enrichment Classes, Digital Learning Platforms for the Mastery of Malay Language and Appreciation of the Malay Culture and Heritage.
Malay Assessment Books, Malay Test Papers, Malay Practice Books
Check out our series of Pintar Bahasa Melayu Buku Latihan Darjah 1 hingga 6 (Malay Language Mastery Practice Books for Primary 1 to Primary 6), and Kertas Latihan Pintar Bahasa Melayu Menengah 1 hingga Menengah 4 (NA/Exp, GCE ‘N’ dan ‘O’ Level).
UEN: 201943167E